The Latin phrase crux sola est nostra theologica [“the cross alone is our theology,” Martin Luther, Weimarer Ausgabe 5.176.32-33] is a mantra that helped formulate early Reformed theology, and it reminds us that the Cross is the locus of what we believe and the lens through which we see the world. 

If I were to ask you the basic question, “What do you believe about God?” — whatever you believe and however you respond, we’re engaging in theology. We all have some sort of view about God.

Since theology is inescapable for every person, it’s only a matter of whether we’re going to be good theologians or bad theologians. To be a good theologian is to think according to God’s revelation, and to be a bad theologian is to think according to anything else. So we owe it to God, those we care about and ourselves to know what we believe, why we believe it and how to explain it. We are called not to be theologians using just our own senses and resources, but to be true “theologians of the cross,” enlightened by the revelation that can only come through Christ.

We could use many words just defining what is theology and why it is important, much less to explore everything about theology. My hope and persistent prayer is that through the resources at, that my readers will come to believe, as I do, that theology is not just for pastors, professors and seminarians. And in believing theology is for everyone, not just for the sake of believing it, that our faith would be informed and invigorated by a love for theology: the things God has revealed about himself and us.

Preaching on Psalm 5, Martin Luther said, “We all are theologians — every Christian! ‘Theology’ means God’s Word; ‘theologian’ means one who speaks God’s words. Each and every Christian should be such a person.”

I delight in communicating through writing what I hope is to the glory of God. I discuss various topics here, but for the sake of unity in purpose, everything ties into Christian theology. Because I’m dealing with matters of spiritual depth, a statement of faith is included to help readers understand what I believe from the outset of whatever topics I explore.

Everything written on, even when substantiated with onslaughts of authoritative standards, scholarship, evidence, documentation, etc., remains only my opinion. That said, I believe that my opinions correspond to reality. If I didn’t believe my opinions are right, then they wouldn’t be my opinions, would they? Instead, I would have other opinions.

Also, I never use artificial intelligence. No AI has been harmed in the making of any content. is an AI-free zone. Skynet will have to become sentient on someone else’s watch.

Thank you for reading!

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